Equipment Lease Blog

Small Business Social Advertising

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jul 10, 2022 4:30:31 PM

It’s not too long ago that advertising on television and in print was all the rage for small business owners. They were expensive, especially the television ads, but if you could afford it, it was a sure way to bring in some new business.

All that is different now. Today, social advertising is one of the most important venues for business owners and it comes with only a fraction of the cost of producing a television ad.

Social advertising isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a quantifiable marketing tool that can increase traffic, leads and sales.

Social media has the most active users, all 2.3 billion of them, and they are trolling social media channels. Ignoring them is something no small business owner should do.

How to social advertise your small business?

Here is what the experts recommend:

  1. Make a few tweets and a few posts on Facebook. Which one received the most notice and interaction from customers? That is a good starting point. Messages that resonate well should be your base for future advertising.
  2. Target a specific group. Find out where your potential customers congregate. Is it on Facebook? Pinterest? LinkedIn? Instagram? Knowing this information allows you to interact with customers from the CEO on LinkedIn to the dog lovers on Facebook.
  3. Know the difference between ads on different social networks. There is no ‘one size fits all’ in this advertising world. Your ads should be different for different social media sites.
  4. Research social network advertising. There are different kinds of ads on Facebook for example, and they just bought Instagram as well. Tweeter has also different levels of advertising to work with
  5. Do A/B testing. Which ad works better? By putting A/B test to a sample audience and analyzing the results you will know what will work better for a larger audience. This is by far the most cost effective way to gage how the ad is performing.
  6. Make sure that everything you plan to put in your ad is mobile friendly. According to research, 65% of digital time is now spent on mobile devices.
  7. Track the performance of the ads. It sometimes includes adding a code to your website to be able to track the movements. Many social media sites offer ways to track conversions.
  8. Refine the ads to reach your target audience and keep them fresh. Experience showed it is a good practice to have a few of them on hand and rotate between them.
  9. The buy button can be now integrated into the social site. We used to have to go to the site in order to make the purchase, which means leaving the social network. Not anymore. Now the customers can purchase the item with a few clicks.

Even though things evolve and change very quickly in the digital world, social media is here to stay. It may change forms, big sites may go down and smaller one become more popular, but the idea of it and this way of interaction between people and businesses seems to be the way of the future.